Terms and Conditions of Sale
1. Object
1.1. These general conditions of sale apply to the purchase contract relating to any purchase of products (hereinafter "Products") made through the e-commerce site https://www.lnage.it (hereinafter the "Site") by users qualified as "Consumers" pursuant to Article 1.2 below. The Site is owned and managed by LNAGE Srl, with registered office in Rome, Piazza Bologna 1 - CAP 00162, tax code 10168191004, VAT number 10168191004 and registration number in the Register of Companies of Rome 1214650 (hereinafter the "Seller" or "LNAGE Srl").
1.2. Purchases of Products made through the Site will see as parties the Seller and the person who proceeds with the purchase of one or more Products for purposes not related to their entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity, as buyer (hereinafter the "Consumer" and, together with the Seller, hereinafter collectively also referred to as the "Parties").
1.3. All the contents of the Site are protected by copyright and the related copyrights are the property of LNAGE Srl. The Site may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, connected and used, in particular for commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of LNAGE Srl.
1.4. Any communication from the Consumer connected and / or related to the purchase of the Products - including any reports, complaints, requests concerning the purchase and / or delivery of the Products, the exercise of the right of withdrawal, etc. - must be sent to the Seller at the addresses and in the manner indicated on the Site and to the e-mail address [email protected]
1.5. Each purchase is governed by the general conditions of sale in the version that will be published on the Site at the time of transmission of the order by the Consumer. The Consumer who accesses the Site to make purchases is required, before sending the order, to carefully read these General Conditions that have been made available to him on the Site and that will be available at any time by the Consumer.
1.6. The Site is dedicated to retail sales and as such is intended for the exclusive use of Consumers. Subjects who are not Consumers are invited not to execute purchase orders. If one or more sales are made to a person who does not qualify as a Consumer, these general conditions of sale will apply but, in derogation from the provisions of the same:
a) the buyer will not be granted the right of withdrawal referred to in Article 8;
b) the buyer will not be able to benefit from the warranty on the Products indicated in Article 9;
c) the buyer will not be recognized any other protections, provided herein in favor of the Consumer, which reflect or comply with mandatory provisions of the law;
d) the sales contract concluded between the Seller and the buyer will be governed by Italian law;
1.7. At the same time as the transmission of the purchase order, the Consumer accepts that the confirmation of the information relating to the order placed and these general conditions of sale are sent to him by e-mail to the address declared by the same during registration on the Site or during the purchase process.
1.8. In order to make purchases through the Site, the Consumer must possess the age of majority (18 years) and the legal capacity to act, which the Consumer declares to possess.
1.9. The Consumer is solely responsible for any costs for connecting via the Internet to the Site, including telephone costs, according to the rates applied by the operator selected by the Consumer himself.
2. Characteristics of the Products and their availability in the different geographical areas
2.1. The Products are sold with the characteristics described on the Site, in particular in the relative descriptive sheet, and according to the general conditions of sale published on the Site at the time the order is sent by the Consumer, with the exclusion of any other condition or term.
2.2. Il Venditore si riserva il diritto di modificare le presenti condizioni generali di vendita in qualsiasi momento, a propria discrezione, senza necessità di fornire alcun preavviso agli utenti del Sito. Eventuali modifiche apportate saranno efficaci dalla data di pubblicazione sul Sito e si applicheranno unicamente alle vendite concluse a partire da tale data.
2.3. I prezzi, i Prodotti in vendita sul Sito e/o le caratteristiche degli stessi, sono soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso. Pertanto, prima di inviare l’ordine di acquisto ai sensi del successivo Art. 4, il Consumatore è invitato a verificare il prezzo finale di vendita.
2.4. La rappresentazione visiva dei Prodotti sul Sito, ove disponibile, corrisponde normalmente all'immagine fotografica a corredo della scheda descrittiva. Resta inteso che l'immagine dei Prodotti stessi ha il solo scopo di presentarli per la vendita e può non essere perfettamente rappresentativa delle sue caratteristiche e qualità ma potrà differire per colore e dimensioni. In caso di differenza tra l'immagine e la scheda prodotto scritta, fa sempre fede la descrizione della scheda prodotto.
2.5. Al Sito si può accedere da tutto il mondo. Tuttavia, i Prodotti disponibili sul Sito sono acquistabili esclusivamente da parte di utenti che ne richiedano la consegna nell'intero territorio della Repubblica Italiana.
3. Prezzi e spedizioni dei Prodotti
3.1. L’ordine minimo effettuabile sul Sito è pari a euro 5,00. I prezzi dei Prodotti presenti sul Sito sono comprensivi di tutte le tasse e imposte. Tutti i prezzi sono espressi in euro. Il prezzo dei Prodotti è quello indicato sul Sito contestualmente all’invio dell’ordine da parte del Consumatore. I prezzi sono comprensivi dei costi di imballaggio standard, IVA (qualora applicabile) e di eventuali imposte indirette (qualora applicabili), mentre non comprendono (i) le spese di spedizione che sono calcolate prima della conferma dell’ordine trasmessa dal Venditore al Consumatore e che lo stesso Consumatore si impegna a versare al Venditore in aggiunta al prezzo indicato sul Sito nonché (ii) il sovrapprezzo di euro 6,00 in caso di selezione del metodo di pagamento in contrassegno, come specificato al successivo Articolo 7.
3.2. Il Consumatore dovrà versare al Venditore il prezzo totale, come riportato nella pagina di conferma di acquisto e nella conferma dell’ordine inviata via e-mail dal Venditore al Consumatore.
3.3. La consegna dei Prodotti acquistati sul Sito è effettuata all’indirizzo di spedizione indicato dal Consumatore nel modulo d’ordine, nei giorni compresi tra il lunedì e il venerdì, a scelta del Consumatore, con esclusione delle festività nazionali (quali, a titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, 25 e 26 dicembre, 1 e 2 gennaio, Pasqua, Lunedì in Albis) e del giorno immediatamente successivo a queste ultime. LNAGE Srl non sarà responsabile per eventuali ritardi nella consegna dei Prodotti non prevedibili o non imputabili a LNAGE Srl stessa. La consegna dei Prodotti acquistati sul Sito avverrà a partire dal 2° (secondo) giorno successivo al relativo acquisto esclusivamente per gli ordini completati entro le ore 24:00 di ciascun giorno.
4. Modalità di acquisto dei Prodotti - Perfezionamento di ogni singolo contratto di acquisto
4.1. L’ordine d’acquisto trasmesso dal Consumatore al Venditore mediante il Sito ha valore di proposta contrattuale ed è regolato dalle presenti condizioni generali di vendita, che costituiscono parte integrante dell’ordine stesso e che il Consumatore, mediante la trasmissione dell’ordine di acquisto al Venditore, è tenuto ad accettare integralmente e senza riserva alcuna. Prima di procedere all’acquisto dei Prodotti, tramite invio dell’ordine di acquisto, sarà chiesto al Consumatore di leggere attentamente le presenti condizioni generali di vendita, comprensive dell’informativa sul diritto di recesso di cui al successivo Articolo 8, di stamparne una copia attraverso il comando di stampa e di memorizzarne o di riprodurne una copia per i propri usi personali. Inoltre, sarà chiesto al Consumatore di individuare e di correggere eventuali errori di inserimento dei propri dati.
4.2. Gli ordini sono soggetti alla disponibilità dei Prodotti ed alla accettazione del Venditore. Il Venditore si riserva, in qualsiasi momento e a sua insindacabile discrezione, di rifiutare un ordine, inclusi, ad esempio, i casi in cui:
(i) i Prodotti ordinati non siano più disponibili sul Sito;
(ii) il Venditore si accorga di un errore sul Sito relativo al prezzo e/o alla descrizione dei Prodotti;
(iii) l'ordine non possa essere eseguito a causa di un errore nelle informazioni fornite dal Consumatore (a titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, informazioni sul pagamento, sulla fatturazione o sull'indirizzo di consegna);
(iv) il Venditore abbia motivo di ritenere che l'ordine sia stato inserito da un soggetto minorenne.
Il Venditore si riserva altresì il diritto di effettuare consegne parziali e/o di limitare le quantità di Prodotti oggetto di ordine del Consumatore ad un numero di prodotti ritenibile, ragionevolmente, per uso domestico. In tal caso, al Consumatore sarà addebitato esclusivamente il prezzo dei Prodotti consegnati.
In tutti i casi in cui il Venditore non sia in grado di evadere un ordine, lo sia solo in parte, ovvero intenda limitare le quantità di Prodotti oggetto di ordine, il Venditore contatterà il Consumatore via e-mail o telefonicamente, ai recapiti forniti al momento della registrazione sul Sito, al più presto ed in ogni caso entro 5 (cinque) giorni dall'inoltro dell'ordine sul Sito. I pagamenti eventualmente già effettuati dal Consumatore verranno prontamente rimborsati dal Venditore, con le medesime modalità utilizzate dal Consumatore per il pagamento dei Prodotti.
4.3 The Consumer's purchase order is accepted by the Seller by sending to the Consumer, to the e-mail address declared by the latter to the Seller at the time of registration on the Site or the transmission of the order if the Consumer is not registered on the Site, an e-mail confirming the order itself, which will contain the link to the text of these general conditions of sale, the summary of the order placed, the description of the characteristics of the Product ordered and the expected date for delivery of the Products. The Consumer's order, the Seller's order confirmation and the general conditions of sale applicable to the relationship between the Parties will be stored electronically by the Seller in its computer systems and the Consumer may request a copy by sending a communication via e-mail to the Seller at the address [email protected]
4.4. Each contract for the purchase of the Products is concluded when the Consumer receives the order confirmation from the Seller by e-mail.
5. Procedure for the selection and purchase of products
5.1. The Products presented on the Site may be purchased by selecting the Products of interest to the Consumer and placing them in the appropriate virtual shopping cart. Once the selection of the Products has been completed, to make the purchase of the Products included in the cart, the Consumer will be invited (i) to register on the Site, providing the requested data, or (ii) to log in, if the Consumer is already registered or (iii) if it is not the Consumer's intention to register on the Site, to provide their data in order to complete the order and allow the completion of the contract. The Consumer already registered on the Site, can verify or modify their personal data by accessing, after login, the page "Your online parapharmacy", following the instructions provided therein, or directly to the "Change account information" section.
5.2. For the Consumer already registered on the Site, if the data indicated in the order are different from those provided during registration on the Site, the Consumer will be required to confirm his data (by way of example but not limited to: name, surname, etc.), as well as the address where to deliver the selected Products, the billing address and, optionally, a valid e-mail address and / or a telephone number where you can contact him for any communications relating to the purchase made.
5.3. If the Consumer decides for the immediate payment method (contextual to the purchase) by credit card, Stripe or PayPal, he will be required to communicate the relevant data via a secure connection. For accounting and administrative needs, the Seller reserves the right to verify the personal details indicated by the Consumer.
5.4. The Consumer will see a summary of the order to be executed, of which he can modify the contents: therefore, the Consumer, after careful reading, must expressly approve these general conditions of sale, through the appropriate check-box on the Site and finally, through the "Confirm order with obligation to pay" button, the Consumer will be asked to confirm his order, which will thus be definitively sent to the Seller and will produce the effects described in par. 4.1 above. of this contract.
6. Delivery of goods and acceptance
6.1. The Site indicates the availability of the Products and the delivery times of the same; however, such information is to be considered purely indicative and not binding for the Seller. Some Products may not be available for delivery on certain days of the week; therefore, the Consumer is invited to check any restrictions on the delivery of these Products in the relevant description sheet, before proceeding with the purchase.
6.2. The Seller undertakes to do everything in its power in order to comply with the delivery times indicated on the Site and chosen by the Consumer. The Seller cannot therefore be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Consumer due to delays in the delivery of the Products, unless such delay is attributable to willful misconduct or fault of the Seller. In case of non-execution of the order by the Seller, due to the unavailability, even temporary, of the Product, the Seller will provide written notice to the Consumer and will refund any sums already paid by the Consumer for the payment of the Product pursuant to paragraph 6.3 below
6.3. The shipment of the Products ordered by the Consumer will take place in the manner selected by the Consumer, among those available and indicated on the Site at the time the order is sent. The Consumer undertakes to check promptly, and in any case in the shortest possible period, that the delivery includes all and only the Products purchased and to promptly inform the Seller of any defect in the Products received or their discrepancy with respect to the order placed, according to the procedure referred to in the following art. 9 of these general conditions of sale; failing this, the products will be considered accepted. If the packaging or wrapping of the Products ordered by the Consumer should arrive at their destination clearly damaged, the Consumer is required (i) to accept the delivery "with reserve" by noting on the delivery note the "reserve" or, alternatively, (ii) refuse delivery by the carrier / shipper.
7. Payments
7.1. Payment may be made by Bank Transfer, by PayPal or by Credit or Debit Cards with Stripe under the conditions described below, as also specified in the "Payment Methods" section on the page called "Your online parapharmacy" of the Site.
The Seller may allow additional payment methods, indicating them in the "Payment Methods" section.
7.2. If the payment is made by credit card, the Consumer will be transferred to a protected site and the credit card data will be communicated directly to PayPal or Stripe, operator that deals with payments on behalf of the Seller. The transmitted data will be sent in protected mode, through the encrypted transfer of data with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) system. These data are not accessible to the Seller either.
7.3 In case of payment by PayPal or Stripe, the Consumer will be redirected to the appropriate page, where he can enter his registration data and make the payment. The order executed by the Consumer will not be processed by the Seller before the latter has collected the relative amount. At the end of the third day, if the Consumer has not made the payment due, the code will be deactivated and the order previously executed on the Site by the Consumer will be canceled.
7.4.Il Seller will promptly transmit to the Consumer, if required by applicable law, in electronic format via e-mail to the address declared by the same, the tax receipt relating to the purchase made, if the Products purchased are intended to be delivered in the Italian territory, or attached in paper format to the Products purchased, in all other cases.
8. Right of withdrawal and exclusions – Information
8.1. Pursuant to art. 59 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005 ("consumer code") and subsequent amendments, the right of withdrawal is excluded in the following cases:
- order of Products made to measure or clearly personalized;
- order of Products that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
- order of sealed Products that are not suitable to be returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection or that have been opened after delivery.
8.2 With reference to the cases of exclusion of withdrawal listed above, the Consumer, in particular, is informed and accepts that among the Products that "risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly" are those pharmaceutical and cosmetic products whose characteristics and qualities are subject to alteration, also as a result of inappropriate storage by the Consumer.
8.3 Without prejudice to the cases indicated in Articles 8.1 and 8.2 above, the Consumer has a period of fourteen days to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of the Product without having to provide any reason and without having to incur costs other than those provided for in paragraphs 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8 below.
8.4. The aforementioned 14-day withdrawal period starts:
a) in the case of an order for a single Product, from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the Product; or
b) in the case of purchase of several Products ordered by the Consumer through a single order and delivered separately, from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the last Product; or
c) in the case of an order relating to the delivery of a Product consisting of multiple lots or pieces, from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the last batch or piece.
8.5. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform the Seller, before the expiry of the term referred to in paragraph 8.1 above, of his decision, by means of any explicit declaration. In order to facilitate the timely management of the Consumer's request, the latter is invited to notify the Seller of his decision, (a) by filling in the appropriate Form for the exercise of the right of withdrawal0 LNAge (downloadable in PDF format) as well as attached to the conditions of sale that will be made available to the Consumer at the same time as the order confirmation, or (b) by sending the Seller any other explicit declaration to withdraw from the sales contract at the address LNAGE Srl, Via Luigi Rizzo 62, 1 00136 Rome (RM), indicating in any case the order number, the Product(s) for which he/she intends to exercise the right of withdrawal and his/her address.
8.6. The Consumer who has exercised the right of withdrawal pursuant to this Article 8, must return the Product(s) purchased to the Seller, using a carrier of his choice and at his own expense, without undue delay and in any case within 14 calendar days from the date on which he communicated to the Seller his decision to withdraw. The Product subject to withdrawal, properly protected and packaged, must be sent to the following address: LNAGE Srl, Via Luigi Rizzo, 62, 00136 Rome (RM). The direct costs of returning the Products subject to withdrawal to the Seller are the sole responsibility of the Consumer.
8.7. In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Seller reimburses all payments received from the Consumer, including the costs of delivery of the Products, without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 days from the exercise of the withdrawal. These refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the Consumer for the initial transaction, unless the Consumer requests a refund on a different means of payment, in which case any additional costs deriving from the different means of payment will be borne by the Consumer. The Seller is entitled to suspend the reimbursement of the aforementioned amounts until receipt of the Products subject to withdrawal or until the Consumer has demonstrated that he has returned the Products, whichever is earlier.
8.8. The Consumer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. Therefore, if the returned goods are damaged (for example with signs of wear, abrasion, scratching, deformation, etc.), not complete with all their elements and accessories (including labels and tags unaltered and attached to the product), not accompanied by the instructions / notes / manuals attached, the original packaging and packaging and the warranty certificate, where present, the Consumer will be liable for the decrease in assets in the value of the goods, and will be entitled to a refund of the amount equal to the residual value of the Product. To this end, therefore, the Consumer is invited not to manipulate the goods beyond what is strictly necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the same and cover the original packaging of the Products with other protective packaging that preserves its integrity and protects it during transport also from writings or labels.
9. Seller's legal guarantee of conformity, reporting of conformity defects and warranty interventions
9.1. The sale of the Products is subject to the legal guarantees of conformity provided for in Articles 128, 129 and 130 of the Consumer Code. The Consumer has the right, at his choice and provided that the type of Product allows it, to restore, without charge, the conformity of the Product by repair or replacement, or to an adequate reduction in the price or termination of the contract.
9.2 In the event of defects of conformity of the Products sold, under penalty of forfeiture of this warranty, the Consumer has the burden of reporting any defects and non-conformities no later than 2 (two) months from the discovery - provided that they are not Products that by their nature are perishable or subject to expiration in a shorter period, in which case the defect must be reported within this reduced term - by sending by e-mail to the address [email protected] the appropriate form correctly completed [LNAge Return Form], with indication of the defect and / or non-conformity found, as well as the related documentation indicated in the return form itself (at least n. 1 (one) photograph of the Product, the order confirmation sent by the Seller and / or the receipt tax).
9.3. Following receipt of the form and the related documentation, the Seller will evaluate the defects and non-conformities reported by the Consumer and decide whether to authorize the return of the Products by providing the Consumer with a feedback, containing the "Return Code", by e-mail to the address provided by the latter during the registration process on the Site or during the transmission of the order. The authorization to return the Products will not constitute in any way recognition of defects or non-conformities, the existence of which must be ascertained after the return. The Products of which the Seller has authorized the return must be returned by the Consumer, together with a copy of the return authorization notice bearing the "Return Code", within 14 (fourteen) days from the report of the defect or non-conformity, to the following address: LNAGE Srl, Via Luigi Rizzo 62, 00136 Rome.
9.4. If the Seller is required to reimburse the Consumer for the price paid and the related shipping costs, the refund will be made, where possible, by the same means of payment used by the Consumer at the time of purchase of the Product.
10. Liability for defective products
10.1. With regard to any damage caused by defects in the Products, the provisions of European Directive 85/374/EEC and Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code) apply. The Seller, in its capacity as distributor of the products through the Site, is free from any liability, none excluded and / or excepted, indicating the name of the relative manufacturer of the Product.
11. Intellectual Property Rights
11.1. The Consumer declares to be informed that all trademarks, names, as well as any distinctive sign, denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text used on the Site or relating to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of LNAGE Srl and / or its assignees, without any right to the Consumer deriving from access to the Site and / or the purchase of the Products.
11.2. The contents of the Site may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, or used for any purpose without the prior written consent of LNAGE Srl.
12. Consumer Data and Privacy Protection
12.1. In order to proceed with the registration, the forwarding of the order and therefore the conclusion of the contract of sale of the Products, some personal data are requested through the Site to the Consumer. The Consumer acknowledges that the personal data provided will be recorded and used by the Seller, in accordance with and in compliance with the legislation referred to in Italian law Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments - Privacy Code, to execute each purchase made through the Site and, subject to his consent, for any further activities as indicated in the specific privacy policy provided to the Consumer through the Site at the time of registration.
12.2. The Consumer declares and guarantees that the data provided to the Seller during the registration and purchase process are correct and truthful.
12.3. The Consumer may at any time verify, update, modify, delete their personal data provided to the Seller through the appropriate section of the Site "My account" accessible after authentication and may at any time exercise their rights under the Privacy Code by following the instructions provided in the privacy documentation on the Site.
12.4. For any further information on how to process the Consumer's personal data, please access the Privacy Policy section and carefully read the General Conditions of Use.
13. Security
13.1. Although the Seller takes measures to protect personal data against their possible loss, falsification, manipulation and misuse by third parties, due to the characteristics and technical limitations relating to the protection of electronic communications via the Internet, the Seller cannot guarantee that the information or data displayed by the Consumer on the Site, even after the Consumer has authenticated (login), they are not accessible or viewable by unauthorized third parties.
13.2. The Seller, with regard to data relating to credit card payments, uses the services of the company PayPal S.A. or Stripe that adopt technological systems to guarantee the highest levels of reliability, security, protection and confidentiality in the transmission of information via the web.
14. Force Majeure
14.1. The Seller shall not be liable in the event of total or partial non-performance of its obligations under this contract if such non-performance is caused by unforeseeable events and/or natural events beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, catastrophic natural events, acts of terrorism, wars, popular uprisings, lack of electricity, general strike of public and / or private workers, strike and / or restrictions on the viability of couriers and air connections.
15. Applicable law, attempt at conciliation and place of jurisdiction
15.1. The contract of sale of the Products through the Site will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Italian laws.
15.2. For disputes arising from this contract will be competent: a) the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the Consumer, if "consumer" pursuant to current legislation; b) exclusively the Court of Rome, Italy, in any other case.
15.3. For anything not expressly provided for herein, the provisions of the law in force in the Italian legal system apply and in particular, for consumers, the provisions of Section II, Chapter I, Title III of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and subsequent amendments.